Paul Christopher Cloyd
Registered Architect, Professional Engineer, Preservation Consultant

Work Experience


July 2015 to present

Project: Cape Hatteras Light House Historic Structure Report review

Client: Historic Preservation Training Center, Frederick Maryland National Park Service

Provided review, comment and supplemental information regarding the light station relocation project for incorporation into the report.

Projects: Denver Historic Landmark Applications

I prepared multiple Denver Landmark applications entailing history research, architectural descriptions and written justifications that the structures meet the criteria for designation as laid out in the Denver Historic Preservation ordinance. For Historic Landmark District applications, I undertook outreach to property owners.

 Individual landmark applications for residences at 3064 Speer Boulevard, 2912 Umatillla, 2839 West 23rd Avenue-a.k.a. the Hoyt Residence

Individual landmark application for 5051 West 29th Avenue, a.k.a. the Lambourn View House.

Successfully conducted history research and lead team for preparation of historic landmark application for Tilden School for Teaching Health Historic District. Denver City Council approved the Landmark designation on December 16 2019.

NEIGHBORHOOD VOLUNTEER for West Highland Neighborhood Association (WHNA), Design and Preservation Committee (DAP), Denver, Colorado

From August 2013 to 2016, I served as committee member. In 2016, I became chairman of the DAP.

DAP functions to preserve the historic fabric and character of Denver’s West Highland neighborhood. Each year DAP reviews about 12 construction projects proposed within the historic districts of West Highland neighborhood. As chair, I prepare and submit written review comments and recommendations to the Denver Landmark Preservation Commission (LPC). On occasion, I provide spoken testimony to the commission and /or city council regarding construction projects and new landmark applications. DAP supports property owners seeking landmark designation. DAP provides input to the LPC regarding design guidelines, rules and processes for implementing the Denver Preservation Ordinance. In the committee chairperson role I also support educational outreach through neighborhood tours, school visits and providing trivia questions on West Highland historic architecture for the WHNA monthly meetings.


May 2009 to July 2015

National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Design and Construction Division, West Team

12795 West Alameda Parkway, Lakewood CO 80228.

Supervisor: Rodger Evans until 2012, Randy Copeland 2013 to 2015

I managed the Denver Service Center (DSC) design and construction program for the Pacific Western Region (PWR). This includes projects at the predesign to warranty stages. In this time frame the program reached a high point of 98 projects and $560 million gross aggregate dollars. For several years, the PWR program was DSC's largest design and construction program for any single National Park Service region.

I reported program status to Division Chief, Denver Service Center (DSC), and Washington Office (WASO). I worked closely with the PWR line item coordinator and made quarterly program reports to the PWR directorate.

I evaluated performance, supervised and assigned work to Design and Construction staff members. I conducted interviews and selections for term and permanent Design and Construction positions. I provided extensive mentoring for new employees brought on board to support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act program.

I arranged and conducted interviews and served on the selection panel for contracted Senior Construction Managers, Scheduler and Estimator contract positions.

I worked closely with project teams to resolve issues. Golden Gate NRA 150682, Photovoltaic system for Alcatraz Island, represents a troubled and complex project that I assisted in bringing to a successful completion.

I collaborated with Design and Construction management on guidance to staff for contract price schedule bid options.

I initiated the revival of Glenn O. Hendrix Award. This award recognizes high quality Planning, Design and Construction projects resulting from collaboration among DSC, parks and regions.

I developed and updated training modules and served as instructor for PWR Design and Construction Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) training.

Immediately following the August 2011 District of Columbia earthquake, I conducted damage surveys on NPS facilities including the Washington Monument with the DSC earthquake response team on extremely short notice.

After a 35-year career with the National Park Service I retired from this position in July 2015


April 1999 to May 2009

National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Design and Construction, Western Division

12795 West Alameda Parkway, Lakewood CO 80228

Supervisor: Glenn Lamoree

General Project Tasks

My experience included:

Division Wide Tasks

 I assisted with development of Design-Build Request for Proposal (RFP) Template; I provided input on the Historic Structure Report task order template. I assisted with solicitation and selection of construction management firms; I served as selection panel member for project specialist positions;


Selected Project Experience

Moose Visitor Center Auditorium, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming Design Manager

This three-million-dollar net construction, 2600 square foot project is an auditorium addition to the visitor center.

Several characteristics add to this project's complexity.

Among these; highly political, highly sensitive to the DAB and WASO Construction Program Staff, park partner sensitivities (Grand Teton National Park Foundation-GTNPF); prior selection of a design firm that is inexperienced with National Park Service design and drafting standards.

I develop workloads, associated cost estimates for DSC services, and successfully achieved GTNPF funding authorization through the park. I reviewed and evaluated scopes of services and Architect/Engineer estimates as prepared by the project specialist.

I successfully educated the GTNPF on the reality of time durations for construction procurement under DSC and the Small Business Administration protocols.

GTNPF required a significant design change affecting both schedule and cost after completion of the first DAB review. This resulted in my successfully coordinating a second DAB review submission.

Construct East Entrance Station, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

I received this Park Direct Charge (Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act-FLREA) assignment after a park procured design-build contractor failed without bonding in place. The park procured contractor had not completed construction documents, however construction had proceeded to 30% complete at which time the project stalled for a period of three and half years until my DSC team received the assignment. An entrance station for a premiere National Park entails the highest level of public visibility. The Park needed design completed and construction restarted and completed quickly.

This one-million-dollar net design- build award project provided two entry fee kiosks and a 1000 square foot administration building.

Our team awarded the design-build contract well within budget. Although the contractor performed poorly in managing the project schedule, the resulting work quality is quite good. The Park is pleased with their new facilities. The Park has extended their appreciation to me for my efforts on this project.


Rehabilitate Historic Bathhouses for Adaptive Use, Bathhouse Row, Hot Springs National Park, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Concessioners, under contract to the National Park Service, constructed the bathhouses in the first quarter of the 20th century. Over a period from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s, the concessionaires vacated the buildings as the traditional hot springs bathing business dwindled. Bathhouse Row received designation as a National Historic Landmark District in 1987. In the years since the bathhouses closed, the lack of active use and adequate maintenance funding resulted in extensive deterioration. Prior to this project start, the National Trust for Historic Preservation placed Bathhouse Row on their "Most Endangered" list.

I was assigned as project manager in 2003 for this project. Initial tasks required bring an Architect/Engineer firm on board, the production of historic structure reports followed by rehabilitation design for the six bathhouses. The Architect/Engineer firm, though well versed in rehabilitation design, had little experience with historic structure reports consequently requiring my mentoring to see them through this task.

The rehabilitation of the Bathhouse Row structures entailed four phases, an aggregate seventeen-million-dollar line item net construction project. The effort addressed six historic bathhouses and comprised just over 100,000 square feet of enclosed space. Subsequent to project completion the Park leased most of the bathhouses to the private sector lessees who completed tenant improvements to house adaptive uses. The project complexities are associated with historic preservation aspects, large scale of the project, very high public visibility, budget considerations for meeting a "tenant build out ready" status and differing NPS entities managing different project phases.

Relocation of the Cape Hatteras Light Station-Phase 1: Cape Hatteras, North Carolina

For this $9.5 million net design-build award, I served as Contracting Officer's Representative and Project Manager. Complexities of this project relate to uniqueness of the project, extreme public visibility (including national television news reports) and first time use of the design build methodology by the Denver Service Center.

I successfully lead the design-build contractor selection panel composed of both in house DSC staff and North Carolina State University Academics.

I developed design-build Request for Proposal documents and managed the project entailing relocation of a 4400-ton historic lighthouse, relocation and rehabilitation of historic residential buildings and construction of new visitor facilities. As an initial application of the design-build project delivery method by DSC, I educated myself on this methodology. I researched comparable contracts documents through contact with Army Corps of Engineers personnel. I developed close links with park management and staff to ensure contract requirements met their specific needs.

Following award, the losing bidder filed a protest. The solicitation method and documentation held up under

Government Accounting Office scrutiny resulting in denial of the protest. The instructor for a DSC Contracting Officer's Representative course used this event as a case study.

In the course of the project, local government and business entities filed two lawsuits against the project. I provided technical affidavits to the government solicitor resulting in their successful defense against these lawsuits.

The project's first phase successfully relocated structures and succeeding phases providing new support facilities.


October 1998 to February 1999.

National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Architecture Division

12795 West Alameda Parkway, Lakewood CO 80228.

Supervisor: Randy Copeland

I assigned work and mentored in-house historical architects. I collaborated with the other quality leaders and the acting Chief of Architecture Division to develop project staffing plans and assignments. I assisted in developing position descriptions for staff architects. I advised project team captains and project managers on historic preservation aspects of their projects. I continued working directly on several projects such as the Relocation of Cape Hatteras Light Station and multiple projects at the Presidio of San Francisco.


February 1998 to April 1999

August 1984 to October 1998

August 1978 to May 1982

National Park Service, Denver Service Center, various suborganizations,

12795 West Alameda Parkway, Lakewood CO

Supervisor: Randy Copeland

General Project Tasks

I held this position from 1978 through 1999, rising from GS 7 to GS 12. I provided architectural design services specializing in historic preservation, including preparation of historic structure reports, adaptive use designs, construction documents, and development of design guidelines. I served as Contracting Officer's representative on Architect/Engineer (A/E) contracts for several cultural resource and design tasks. I provided project coordination among inhouse project teams and Architect/Engineer design teams. I collaborated with diverse disciplines such as engineering designers, historians and archeologists, architectural conservators and park customers.

Selected Projects:

Presidio of San Francisco-Multiple Projects, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco CA

I served as Historical Architect & Manager of Architect/Engineer (ARCHITECT/EGINEER) contracts for a variety of in-house and contracted design projects. I provided ARCHITECT/EGINEER management for production of cultural resource documents as Historic Resource Study and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Buildings at the Presidio of San Francisco. These efforts received annual design awards recognition from the California Preservation Foundation. The California Chapter, American Institute of Architecture also recognized the latter document with a design award. The rehabilitation of the historic Presidio Fire Station and the Presidio Water Treatment Plant comprise two key design and construction projects during this time.

Presidio Fire Station

I served as preservation consultant/technical design reviewer for this project I also served as the contracting officer's representative during the design. The project rehabilitated and constructed an addition to the historic 1917 Presidio fire station. The new addition design presented a challenge to meet functional and aesthetic needs. This addition, at the time, presented the most highly visible new construction by the National Park Service within the Presidio National Historic Landmark District. This $2.2-million project achieved completion in 1997.

In 2000, this project received a Historic Preservation Design Award from the California Preservation Foundation.

Presidio Water Treatment Plant

I served as preservation consultant/technical design reviewer on the rehabilitation of the historic 1912 water treatment complex to serve as the contemporary water treatment facilities for the 21st century Presidio community. This seven-million-dollar project was completed in 1995. Interventions include, reroofing, hazardous material abatement, seismic rehabilitation of the historic masonry shell and steel structure of the building, introduction of modern water treatment facilities. The park placed the rehabilitated plant into operation in 1995.

Restore Historic Buildings: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park: Skagway, Alaska

I served as job captain on this multi-phase project that rehabilitated 15 historic buildings. The adaptive uses included, lease back private sector, park operations and visitor facility uses. This long-term project extended over 20 years between the late 1970s and late 1990s. The project expended eight million dollars for construction. My initial project work involved authoring historic structure reports. By the mid-1980s, I had assumed the overall job captain role. I developed a long-term forward-looking project schedule that envisioned the sequence of work over the upcoming 10 years. This schedule coordinated the construction estimates, resulted in multiple successful budget requests. I provided support to the DSC project manager. I made numerous site visits for consultation with the construction supervisor and evaluation of project status. The National Endowment for the Arts conferred a Federal Design Achievement award to the project in 1984. Denver Service Center designers completed all design work. The Park day labor crew completed the bulk of the construction. In 1991, the Park Arts Association presented a certificate of Commendation to the Park day labor crew for the high quality of their work.

Ajanta & Ellora World Heritage Sites, Maharashtra, India

I participated as an NPS park planning assistance team member. I collaborated with Indian professional colleagues on the planning of conservation efforts and new visitor facility development for fifth century living rock sculpture World Heritage Sites. The team provided a draft site management plan to Indian Government at conclusion of site visits and final report within 10 months following fieldwork. I assisted Washington Office staff with reciprocal visit by Indian counterparts to the Denver Service Center and to Rocky Mountain National Park. The NPS office of International affairs and the DSC Assistant Director acknowledged their appreciation of my efforts via letters to me.

Loma Prieta Earthquake Damage Survey Assistance to California State Historic Preservation Officer

I served on the Denver Service Center assistance team that, in the wake of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, evaluated damaged historic structures. The team provided technical feasibility evaluations for repair of damaged historic buildings in the face of threatened demolition. DSC and NPS regional staff and state historic preservation office comprised the team. The team successfully inspected more than 50 buildings under very intense and stressful conditions. I received a letter of commendation and appreciation from the National Park Service director.


June 1982 to June 1984

United States Peace Corps/Ministry of Public Works, Antigua & Barbuda, West Indies

Supervisor, Mr. Alan Japp

I undertook a competitive application process stressing applicant skills, adaptability and cross-cultural sensitivity prior to entering the Peace Corps. Following my successful application, I completed a six-week volunteer training course held at Sligoville, Jamaica. This program addressed cross-cultural relationships, introduction to West Indian History, geography, economic and social development.

As architect under Ministry of Public Works, I provided architectural designs for government projects ranging from 20,000-sq. ft. hospital addition to 600-sq. ft. fire station addition.

I supervised a fifteen person drawing office staff in the production of design and construction documents.

I developed and implemented training programs for drawing office staff. Training topics included urban planning, tropical vernacular architecture, drafting techniques, site planning, site visits to local construction product manufacturers. I organized a technical library emphasizing tropical design, appropriate sustainable materials and technologies.

I prepared a successful application and managed US Agency for International Development (USAID) grant for book purchases for Ministry of Public Works drawing office technical library.

I researched and authored Design Guidelines for a Historic District, St John's Antigua. This document addresses the rehabilitation of historic buildings and the compatible design of new buildings for the St John's townscape. I successfully approached local and regional organizations to fund the publication of the document.



Project Portfolio

Professional Licenses and Membership


Public Speaking


Paul C. Cloyd
3033 Yates
Denver, Colorado 80212 USA
E-mail: p_cloyd(at)

Paul C. Cloyd © 2014-22